Living Case Study Webinar -- Measuring Social Sector Franchise Impact: How Lean Data measurement can help improve franchise impact and success Wednesday, June 7, 2017 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. (EST) Online By definition Social Sector Franchises promise to deliver needed goods and services at scale with measurable social impact. While a large number of tools and frameworks are available for measuring impact there are limitations to how well they will keep up with franchise growth without becoming prohibitively cumbersome or costly. In this webinar we will review a few of the more common approaches to impact measurement and their limitations and will learn about an exciting new tool for impact measurement developed by Acumen. In its application across the globe Lean Data is making it possible for social enterprises get accurate and timely data at relatively low cost and ease of implementation. Guest moderator Fiona Wilson, Executive Director of the Center for Social Innovation and Enterprise will be joined by Greg Starbird a social franchise expert to discuss the importance and challenges of impact data measurement in social sector franchising. Fiona and Greg will be joined by Ashley Speyer Acumen’s Lean Data Senior Associate who will describe this exciting methodology and give examples from its use with several of Acumen’s social businesses. A question and answer segment will give broadcast viewers a chance to interact with our webinar guests. REGISTER NOW Living Case Study Webinar -- Creative financial models to drive social franchise success There are a range of investment vehicles currently used to support social sector franchises in health, water, sanitation, education, clean energy, and agriculture. Each is attracted to the tremendous potential that the franchise model can deliver for social and financial returns. That potential can only be realized when social franchises are developed in a methodical way that requires different types of resources at various stages of growth. Better coordination among financing institutions to create blended financing options that drive healthy growth of social franchises will benefit investors, investees, and the people that social sector franchises serve. In our second webinar guest moderator Julie McBride of MSA Worldwide will engage guests in a discussion around current financial products and investment practices and opportunities for creating more strategic ways to support social franchising. Guests include Michael Swack from the Center for Impact Finance at UNH a leader in the impact investment field, John Simon from TOTAL Impact Capital, a boutique finance firm specializing in sourcing and developing private investment opportunities that are socially and financially attractive and Randy Welsch, Co-founder of Jibu, a for-profit business with the integrated goals of making money and making charitable impact. WATCH THE RECORDING DOWNLOAD THE POWERPOINT PRESENTATION First Living Case Study Webinar -- Jibu Rwanda - Infusing Lessons Learned for Intelligent Scaling The Center for Social Innovation and Enterprise's Living Case Study Social Sector Franchise Accelerator is an action learning and research project, which will take place over eight months with three entrepreneurs who are new or emerging social sector franchisers. Jibu is rapidly expanding its clean water franchising in East Africa recently opening a new franchise center in Kigali, Rwanda. Our first webinar moderated by Bill Maddocks will explore how Jibu’s expansion is progressing and we will talk with LCSA protégé Mark Mutaahi, his mentor Peter Holt, Jibu co-founder Galen Welsch and Rwanda country director Nathan Dowling about operational challenges including the need for proper training and data to drive decision making as franchisees are recruited and a marketing strategy is plotted.
Broadcast participants are encouraged read the LCSA Jibu page and blog entries and come to the webinar ready to ask questions and be active members of this real time learning opportunity. WATCH THE RECORDING Comments are closed.
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